About Commonwealth Building Officials

CBO's start came long before the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.

The Chapter was founded in the 1960's as Chapter #6 of BOCA (Building Officials and Code Administrators) with the title "Building Officials of the Upper Ohio Valley." The earliest records that the International Code Council (ICC) have are dated 1965. In 1985, by a vote of the membership, permission was granted by BOCA to change the name to Commonwealth Building Officials in order to reflect its Pennsylvania roots and in recognition of other chapters being formed in Ohio and West Virginia (areas originally served by the chapter). The new names also reflects the intent to accept members from across the Commonwealth.

When PENNBOC (originally founded in the Delaware Valley) decided to accept members from across the state, they divided the state into twelve regions. They named southwestern Pennsylvania Region 6, duplicating the Chapter number of CBO. While cooperating with PENNBOC, CBO maintained its independent Chapter status with BOCA, and subsequently with the ICC. Since the ICC chapters came from the three predecessor code organizations, the chapter number had to be dropped.

Much of the early history of our chapter is lost. What we do know is who served as president for the last forty years. If anyone has additional information, please let us know.


Pennsylvania’s code officials are at the front lines of community development, community safety, and government authority. As ambassadors to the community, we strive for transparency and simplicity as well as high educational standards.
— Anthony Asciolla, Former President of CBO

Our mission statement encompasses Professional Standards, Advancement and improvement, exchange of ideas, legislation, public relations, and education:

  • To promote higher professional and ethical standards in the fields of building inspection and code enforcement.

  • To encourage and provide a forum for free exchange of ideas and information among its members to provide information of an instructional nature to its members and to other interested and related parties.

  • To provide a voice on matters related to pending legislation insofar as possible the passage of more efficient code enforcement legislation.

  • To educate the public of the true nature and importance of the service performed by code officials and encourage and promote good public relations and good government in municipalities.

  • To promote continuing education and training.

  • To affiliate with any organizations or groups as deemed desirable by the Board of Directors in furtherance of the objective and purposes of the organization.